πŸ‘‹ Hi, and welcome to my website!

I’m Ashley, a Ph.D. student and research assistant in the Department of Biostatistics at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. These days, I work with Dr. Rameela Raman and her team on collaborative projects with the Tennessee Department of Children’s Services.

I recently earned my master’s degree from the Department of Statistical Sciences at Wake Forest University, where I worked with Dr. Sarah Lotspeich on methods to handle measurement error and their exciting applications to the study of local food access. Go Deacs! 🎩

Before heading to graduate school, I studied applied mathematics with Dr. Murong Xu and philosophy in the Special Jesuit Liberal Arts program at the University of Scranton. Go Royals! πŸ’œ

I πŸ’– working with data and talking about sitcoms and romcoms, sometimes even at the same time!


πŸ“ Measurement error

πŸ” Missing data

🍎 Social determinants of health

πŸ–₯ R package development

πŸ“š Tracking my monthly reading data

🎀 Karaoke


πŸŽ“ Ph.D. in Biostatistics - Expected 2029
     Vanderbilt University

πŸŽ“ M.S. in Statistics - 2024
     Wake Forest University

πŸŽ“ Certificate in Data Science - 2024
     Wake Forest University

πŸŽ“ B.S. in Applied Mathematics - 2022
     University of Scranton

πŸŽ“ B.A. in Philosophy - 2022
     University of Scranton